Exotic Travels and Adventures
Exotic Travel and Adventures is a club for people who are passionate about travel, and who would like to have fun with a group and share great experiences.
New horizons
Have you ever thought of travelling the world and enjoying cultures and wild places?
Well we have and we have organized an extraordinary opportunity for you to entertain, educate and broaden your mind while having a great time travelling with a small group of fun lively people from UK.
Meet new people
Not everybody with a passion for travel has the opportunity to share that interest with friends, family and loved ones.
Exotic Travels and Adventures aims to bring together people with a common interest, who don’t have the opportunity to (or wouldn’t like to) travel with friends and family. Many strong bonds and friendships have been built on our previous adventures.
Exotic Travels & Adventures is organised and managed by Ken Hettiarachi, who is based in Islington, London.
There are many advantages of choosing to tour with Exotic Travels & Adventures. Firstly, by providing the tour research and itinerary planning, ETA can provide some real motivation and impetus to make your dream tour a reality (it also takes a lot of the hard work away too!).
Also, by making travel, accommodation and activity arrangements on a group basis, everyone in the group can benefit from reductions in the overall cost of the adventure.
But ETA is operated on a not-for-profit basis – Ken travels on every tour personally (his idea is to create a community or a club of people like him and over time tour leaders will emerge from the group so we can organise more than 1 or 2 tours a year).
The objective is to bring together a group of people with similar interests to share the experiences, and make the cost of the tours as affordable as possible through group rates. Groups will always be reasonably small (between 4 and 8 people typically), so that it is comfortable for everybody and not too complex to arrange.
Are you a group traveller or lone ranger? Find out here!
Our last tour
We went all over Sri Lanka, some if us got sun burnt, but it was an adventure to remember for all of us.
Our Next Adventure: Sri Lanka Tour 2020
The tour was postponed due to the pandemic but will be rescheduled as a 10 day tour, dates & the new itinerary will be published when Covid-19 situation worldwide is under control and safe for us to travel.
Nature Bound
Exotic Travels And Adventures have partnered with our local connection in Sri Lanka, Nature Bound (Nat Bound for short), run by renowned naturalist, birder and bird artist.
If you are a birder, naturalist or interested in creative retreats such as wild life or bird art or wildlife or bird photography, so go in and have a look.
Soon we will be setting up a meetup group in meetup.com to connect you all.
Kew Bridge Travel
Exotic Travels and Adventures are pleased to announced that we have partnered with Kew Bridge Travel to offer our tours better prices and ABTA cover and ATOL protection.
They will help us with expert but reliable local knowledge and expertise the the adventures we are organising.
Sri Lanka tour
Previous tours
India 2015
Sri Lanka 2014
Ken, Chris, Melissa and Binit went on this tour, it was a fast paced, packed schedule and that suited everyone. We got a lot done in the first part of the holiday so we could take it easy and rest later on.
Everybody had a great time (or so they said!). And Ken didn’t have that much of a great time towards the end of the tour but it was managed so well the rest of the group really had a great time and was not affected at all.
Sri Lanka 2013
This was Ken’s first Exotic tour although he had previously organised tours in UK and Europe for his friends. Ken went with an Italian couple, and for a first tour it was very enjoyable. Of the couple, the guy enjoyed the tour more than the lady, because she had an intolerance for chilli and she had bad knees. This was a learning experience. But overall everyone had a great time they said at the end. I did record their comments, but because it was in Italian, I didn’t put it in the video!